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General terms and conditions of use of the website and the services it offers.

The use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) and the services it offers for acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “T&Cs"). Please read these T&C carefully.  

1 Purpose of the General Terms and Conditions of Use

(1) The website is a website edited in-house with headquarters in Polissou 19 - 5590 Achène. This Website contains information about the services we offer to our Users.  

(2) These T&Cs govern access to and use of the Website and our services. Car-Market reserves the right to modify these T&Cs at any time without justification. The User will then be informed by a technical means visible on the home page of the site or its personalised page.  

2 Online valuation/appointment with our expert

(1) Our Website allows the User, an individual of legal age (automotive professional), to obtain an online valuation of his motor vehicle. Each valuation, whether carried out on our Website or by e-mail sent to the User, is based on the data communicated by the User on his motor vehicle. The User undertakes to provide us with truthful data in the GCU for which car-market will be in no way responsible for the data provided by users other than those provided by car-market on its website for its own vehicles.  

(2) This online valuation is only intended to obtain the best selling price for the motor vehicle. Online valuation on our Website thus represents a definitive offer to purchase by users who undertake to take back the vehicles based on the information provided in the photos and the T&C. Online valuation is in no way a definitive sales offer by the User for a motor vehicle. This online valuation is free of charge for the User.  

(3) CAR-MARKET reserves the right to refuse a vehicle if it does not correspond to the information provided after receipt of the vehicle.

(4) During this appointment, a preliminary examination of the motor vehicle is carried out by the automotive expert. Any purchase of a motor vehicle by WKA or an affiliated company requires a prior examination of the motor vehicle.  

(5) In the event of agreement on the terms and conditions of sale, WKA or an affiliated company shall conclude a contract with the User to purchase the motor vehicle.  

3 Rights of use

(1) The User can make the data made available by Car-market more visible on his screen thanks to the input screen. It can also store this data by printing it.  

(2) The use of the Website and our services is authorised exclusively for individual and commercial purposes. Users may not reproduce completely, partially, or even only in extracts, the information gathered during online valuation, whether to create a database, whatever its medium, for any processing or use of this data for commercial purposes.  

(3) Any action by the User that attempts to render our Website and our services unusable or disrupts their operation is strictly prohibited.  

(4) Users may not, without our express written consent, extract, reproduce and/or reuse elements of our Website and services. Users may not, without the express written consent of Car-market, implement data mining, robots or equivalent data extraction or collection programs to extract any material from our Website and services.  

(5) The partial or partial integration of the elements of our Website is not permitted, subject to the express written consent of car-market.  

(6) The appearance and operation of our Website and services may vary depending on the type of media used, including via a mobile application. The use of our Website and our services can only be used in accordance with the current state of the art; it cannot therefore be guaranteed that the Website and our services are always fully exploitable on the Internet.  

(7) The User grants CAR-MARKET and its affiliated companies the right to use the content transmitted to CAR-MARKET, i.e. motor vehicle data and photographs taken in the context of vehicle valuation, online or offline, free of charge and without limitation as to time and geographical area.  

4 Warranty

(1) We do not offer any warranty for any technical defects of the Website, in particular with regard to its complete and continuous availability. Nor is it guaranteed that the data provided by the User will be reproduced without errors.  

(2) In the event that the Website and our services are unavailable, the User may contact our customer service at this address:

5 Protection of personal data

(1) The protection of personal data, and more generally of all data communicated by Users on our Website, is taken very seriously by CAR-MARKET. In order to ensure effective protection of our Users' personal data, we comply with applicable European legislation. The User is invited to read our "data protection" policy available on our Website.  

(2) The entity responsible for personal data is CAR-MARKET - Rue Polissou 19, 5590 Achene, Belgium ("C-M"). If you have any questions regarding data protection, you can contact CAR-MARKET's managers at any time. We are committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of personal data. The User agrees that his or her personal data may be stored in the computer systems of CAR-MARKET and affiliated companies.  

(3) Personal data is personal information of the User, such as e-mail address or telephone number. On our Website, we collect the personal data that has been transmitted to us by the User, i.e. the data filled in by the User in the input screen during the online registration of an individual of legal age (car professional) and a proposed motor vehicle. Personal data is necessary for the use of the services on our Website.  

(4) We reuse this data if it is deemed necessary by our services. Commercial use of the data is limited to our own advertising (including recommendation advertising) and that of affiliated companies. We also use your e-mail address to offer you similar products or services.  

(5) You may object to the reuse of your personal data (such as your e-mail address and telephone number) at any time, without incurring any costs other than the cost of communication according to the basic rate. The easiest way is to click on the link at the bottom of our emails. You can also send your opposition to this address: with the subject: "Opposition". We undertake to remove them as soon as possible.  

6 Limitation of liability

(1) We constantly strive to ensure that Car-market services are available without interruption and without malfunction. Due to the very nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted and trouble-free access to our services. Your access may thus be occasionally interrupted or limited to allow for repair, maintenance or the implementation of new services. We try to limit the frequency and duration of these temporary interruptions or constraints.  

(2) In the course of using our services, we are liable for damages caused intentionally or unintentionally and directly attributable to CAR-MARKET.  

(3) In the event of breaches of its contractual obligations, CAR-MARKET's liability is limited to direct damage related to vehicles on its fleet at Rue du Polissou 19 5590 Achène, foreseeable and which are directly attributable to CAR-MARKET.  

(4) The above limitations of liability do not apply to damage to life, body or health.  

(5) As soon as CAR-MARKET's liability is excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of its employees, legal representatives or vicarious agents.  

(6) The contents of our Website are designed with the greatest care. CAR-MARKET will use its best efforts to ensure that the content made available on the Website is accurate and up to date. The use of the available content is at the User's risk.  

7 Copyright and usage rights

(1) All the elements composing the visual or audio Website (symbols, logos, texts, images and other files) are subject to copyright; the use of this Website does not give you the right to use this information. The modification, transformation or reproduction of the elements composing the Website, on any medium by the User is prohibited. The use of this information is possible with the prior written consent of CAR-MARKET.  

(2) Unauthorised use of our information and the third-party logos/brands represented on our Website violates our rights and the rights of the third parties involved and is therefore strictly prohibited.  

8 Safeguard clause

If one or more clauses of the T&Cs or parts thereof are deemed unwritten, the validity of the remaining clauses shall not be affected.   9 Applicable law and competent court These T&Cs are subject to Belgian law and are subject to the jurisdiction of Dinant court.